Kad moja kći pita...
1. dio: iz "Čarobnog šuma"
"Što je gubitak sluha?"
Pokušao sam joj reći...
Nekad je poput glasa
u trenerovih riječi:on se trudi jako jako
viče ko iz megafona,
al sve što čuješ da govori
slika je bez tonaU riječima što kaže
promašiš neke zvuke.
On ponovi, ti ne shvatiš
zbog prevelike bukePonekad pomiješaš,
izgubiš neka slova,
pa na stablu "sova"
postane "ova"Tako, usred razgovora
koji je u tijeku
izgubiš kontekst, smisao
pa uhvatiš "jeku"
Drugi ti se mogu smijat -
blizu, a ne shvaća!
Al teško je pratit
kad više ljudi priča
"Al' što znači biti nagluh?!"
- prekinula me.
To je lako, mali tigre,
ne čuješ više sve.Vidiš, dušo, ne čujem
zvuke koje čuo sam
Oni koje čujem sada -
to su noć i dan!Nedostaje mi noću
čuti svoje disanje.
Okružen sam tišinom
i neprestanim zujanjem..."glazba", kažeš? Volim je!
Al često mi je zamor.
K'o da sam u gužvi,
a oko mene žamorNe mogu je podnijeti mnogo,
umori mi se uho;
bubnjić će mi "eksplodirat"
i uho, eno - gluhoTako, često, kad sam vani
ne plešem, jer se bojim
da neću čuti riječ od tebe
stoga stojim, dvojim.
"Ma možeš čuti mene, tata!
Znam da možeš, znam!
i... i... shvatit sve što kažem,
sa mnom nisi sam!!Možda da se još potrudiš
mene, mamu čut'
- pada na pod od smijeha
u bub-nji-ću!"
Hoću, maleni moj poni
- šalim se ja s njom
bubnjati ću, bubnjati ću!
dok ne bude lom!Nas troje smo trio,
ti si dirigent -
kuda ruka, štapić,
tud za tobom bend.
Oslobodi čaroliju
pokretima prstâ
ne moram te čuti
čujem te iz srca(kraj I. dijela)
Kad moja kći pita...II. dio:"Gdje je Jurica?"
"Me možeš čut' u gužvi?"
- moj mali anđeo bubne
"Za slučaj da se izgubim
i ne vidim tvoje ruke?"Ne znam, to ovisi.
Kad si blizu, mogu.
Ako si van vidokruga,
obećati ne mogu.Lakše je kad tvoj glas
dolazi kraj lijevog uha,
u radijusu kojeg
imam još nešto sluha.
"Tata, TATA!!
A što je s morem??
Hoćeš li primijetiti plivam li u blizini
ili sam na pučini?"Ako glasno GLASNO zovem:
Tatice, pomozi mi!"Luckaste me stvari pitaš,
malena Houdini:
izgubljena u prometu
il negdje u divljini
imat ću te svud na oku,
uvjeravam te.
Bit ćeš uvijek sigurna
i sretna uz mene
Čak i da si na pučini
a plima te nosi
moru ću na leđa skočit
valima prkositPlivat ću do zadnjih snaga
pa da na Polu jesi
i bez sluha ću te naći
bez obzira gdje si"Tata, proljeće nas zove!
Nažuljala me klupa ;)))
Pojuriti na livadu
hoćemo li skupa??Igrat ćemo se skrivača,
nećeš me pronaći!
Probaj, brza sam ko vjetar
vidi kako trčim!..."Ajde, skrij se
sada brojim 1,2,3...
Ja krećem! Naći ću te
gdje god bila ti!male noge
brzo jure
brže, najbržepreko trave
meni nose
note najdraže
(kraj II. dijela)
***Kad moja kći pita...
III. dio: Neva Nevičica"Gdje ćemo putovat ljetos??"
(krijem to od nje
čuvam k'o iznenađenje
da ne otkrije se)
(Dugo dugo već planiram
istraživat s njom;
znatiželjna je ta ptica
u gnijezdu mom)
(Uma budna, tajni gladna
maštovit njen je svijet
skrivenoga blaga pun,
misterija i sveg)Posjetit ćemo otok vjetra
toplo se obuci
Božićni sobovski džemper
na sebe navuciZelena svud trava raste
brežuljci mu meki, strmi
trči, kotrljaj se, veri!
gdjegod da naumiš..."Je li negdje blizu?
Poznam li taj kraj?
Gdje idemo tata,
ne znam – pomagaj!"Ne mogu ti reći, buba.
Mjesto skriveno
gdje čarobni ti lahor šapće:
Ovo je tvoj domEvo, riješi zagonetku:
Stabla mu rastu jača
nego bilo gdje na Zemlji,
mudrija i veća
korjenje im u Dubini
vitalnost upija
čineći i ljude zdravim
tu Priroda klija
i brdski potočići, rijeke!
žubore posvuda;
glasni hihot riječnih nimfi
i mrmor Oreada"Pljuskati ću, bućnut, šljapkat!
Uzvikivat eho brdom!
Klijati ću, liječiti ću
skupa s Prirodom!""Idemo li skoro, tata,
KADA idemo??
Ajde da se u balonu
SMJESTA vinemo!"Ne možemo sad, polako.
Mahnitaju uragani
valovi se svud propinju,
nemirni su oecaniUjesen? Il zimi?
Tko zna... Ali znaj
kad budemo tamo
gdje će bit ti kraj :)"Ok, tata, vjerujem ti :)
Ipak, muči me
kako to tajno mjesto
stvarno zove se...""A mamica??
(njeno srce streslo se)
hoće li doć?... mamica..."
- oči joj zasuzile
Sklopio sam joj oči
miris livade, cvijeće, djetelina
razbijanje valova
i pjene preko stinazamisli
Čarobna šuma
na stablu svakom vila
pjeva nježnu pjesmu
i odmara krilaZamisli,
draga Neva,
moja Nevičice
nešto tamo kuca
kuca netremiceNetko tamo čeka
U granama se krije
voli te najviše
i najljepše se smijeKlikne,
ozarena lica:"ZNAM!
Ma-mi-caaa!!!" :D
When my daughter ask...
Part I: "The Wizard of buzz""What is a hearing loss?"
Tried to explain to her...
Sometimes it's like a voice
coming from your trainer:he tries really, really hard
to direct and to shout,
but everything you hear him say
is word-without.In the words he uses
you can miss some sounds.
Understanding everything?
Not as it's pronounced.Sometimes you misplace
letters in a word,
and easily all he "swore"
soon becomes a "sword".Also, during conversation,
even when it's pending
you lack some nuances
and even understanding.
People can laugh to you
because you're staying near,
but in the larger group when talking
everything's unclear."But what means being deaf?!"
- she interrupted me
That's an easy one, my tiger.
You're unable to hear.You see, sweetie, I miss sounds
that I used to hear.
Ones that I use to do
seem to disappear:I miss hearing myself breathing
in the night at bed.
Surrounded by sound of silence
and tinnitus instead.
...Music, you say? I love it!
But it's often loud.
When dancing in the club
I feel like in the crowd.Can't stand it much, it's tiring
and it often hurts.
Feels almost like my eardrum
is close to burst.So often, can't go dancing,
because am afraid
that all of a sudden
won't hear a word you said."But you hear me talking, daddy!
I know that you do!
and... and... you understand
all I'm saying, too!!Maybe if you try harder
hearing me and mum
- laughing, she's so cute
with your ear drum!"
I will, my unipony
- kidding her back
I'll drum and drum and drum!
til' no drum to tackWe three are trio,
you're conductor of the band -
you feel the need to speak?
Use your stick and hands
utilize your magic
and free unspoken art.
No need to hear you
I hear you from my heart.(end of part I)
***When my daughter ask...Part II: "Where's Waldine?"
"Can you hear me in the crowd?"
- said my little angel
"If a call you when I'm lost,
or in a danger?"I don't know, depends.
If you're close, I might.
Otherwise, can't promise
if you're out of sight.It's easier when your voice
comes from the left side.
Then my hearing radius
gets somewhat wide."Daddy, DADDY !!
And what about the sea??
Will you notice if I'm swimming
away from where you'll be??If I'm loudly LOUDLY calling:
"Daaaddy, heeeeelp meeee!?""That's really silly question,
my little child.
Whether being lost in traffic
or missing in the wildI'll keep an eye on you,
making myself sure
that you're always safe,
happy and secure.And even if the tide if strong
and you're out of reach
unbreakable is our bond
from ocean to the beachI'll swimm like a guard boat
no matter where you're at
can't hear you, but will find you
never forget that"Daddy, springtime's calling!
Will you join me?
We can run out on meadow,
playing hide and seek!I'll hide so well you'll never find me,
try if you dare!"
Go, run!
I'll count and catch you!
Hide anywhere!her clumsy steps making noise
- music for my ear -
outside in springtime colors
'til they disappear
(end of part II)***
When my daughter ask...
Part III: Erin Crockovich"Where our journey starts?"
(I keep it in my mind
keep it as surprise
she could never find)
(I'm planning for so long -
we'll travel and discover
she's a curious bird
still inside my cover)(Still inside the nest
so let's show her the world
places, hidden treasures
of mysteries untold)
We're going on an island
windy, full of breeze
taking Christmas sweater
might be clever! (sneezed!)Its green grass growing
on hills soft and sheer
you can run! you can roll!
throughout the year...
"...is it somewhere close?
Do I know the land?
Where we're going, daddy,
I don't understand?"I can't tell you, kitty.
Secret is that place -
magically whispers
to love it and embracebut here's the hint to riddle:
its trees are growing stronger
than anywhere on Earth!
they're wiser, and longertheir roots are close to Depths
filtrating the cures
making people healthy
and the nature pureand lakes, hills, rivers!
they burble everywhere
water nymphs are calling
and so the Oreads"Yea! You'll see me plashing!
Shout from hill to hill!
I'll help cure the land,
it will be never ill!""When we're going, daddy?
Are we going soon??
I wanna fly there NOW
with a hot balloon!"Take it easy, peasy,
sea winds are frantic -
if been unwary,
you'll end in the AtlanticIn summertime? Or autumn?
Who knows? But I swear -
anytime we go,
you'll like it when we're there"Ok, daddy, I trust you
Still, I don't know
where's that secret place
we are looking for""And what about mommy?
her heart in doubt and fear
will she come... my mommy..."
her eyes are glowing tearsClosed her eyes
endless cloverleafs
and the foamy waves
crushing into cliffsImagine
holy forest
abound of fairies
singing in the echo
that the gorges carryImagine,
dear Erin,
my dearest child
something slowly beating
endlessly, like drumsomeone there awaiting
hidden in the wild
who might it be?
....Sunny face
"It's mum!"
Jelena Hrvoj |
Martina Sviben |
Mirjana Mrkela |
Aleksandar Horvat |
srijeda, 27. rujna 2023.
Kristijan Modrušan | O nagluhosti
Kristijan Modrušan
kutak za mlade
poezija za djecu
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