
ponedjeljak, 10. lipnja 2024.

Ol' Ant | Farewell


(authentic transcript from an unspecified future)


Near the port of Dawnrise, where anchored we'll bemoan

all those souls and sails lost while we sank insistent

in missing the essence that seemed pale and distant,

now we've left forever mists of so-called well known.

Far from any lament, we lean on the keystone

of Love without bargains, traced by that resistant

Indo-European, knotted but consistent

Ujevich Augustin - neither drowned nor windblown.

In the wounds of conceit, after massive losses,

the kinship of faces serves as our suture

while we tame the raw drives and refine emotions.

Thank you, Tin of… Thornthrone! Your Jablans are Muses

for the cube of brightness where we nurse the future

free of Lampedusas flagged on bleeding oceans.


* Following the slightly adjusted tune of  "Lascia ch'io pianga" (Almirena's aria from the opera „Rinaldo”) composed by Georg Friedrich Händel (1711).


** The text presents the right scene in the tryptich „Flow in the womb since the key millennium“ (Ol' Ant, 2024).


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