Poetry Reading Online
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Ljubitelji poezije će večeras moći uživati u ovom iznimnom događaju. Svi vi bi ste mogli i sudjelovati. Ako ne bi ste mogli stići večeras, pratite događaj na Facebooku i prijavite se za sljedeće čitanje. Možete čitati na svim jezicima, dapače i na Hrvatskom. Duljina vašega čitanja ne smije premašiti 4 minute, a vaši se stihovi moraju pročitati i na jednom od ovih jezika: Engleskom, Njemačkom ili na Francuskom. Moderator ovog iznimnog mjesečnog eventa je Chester Civelli. Možete putem emaila poslati Chesteru mp4 vaše recitacije ili možete od njega zatražiti link kako bi sudjelovali uživo. Dakle, pripremite vaše stihove i prijavite se kako bi čitali ili samo uživajte slušajući druge. Do sada, tijekom ovih čitanja smo proslijedili neka stvarno velika imena zajedno sa novajlijama. Za ostale detalje pogledajte FB poveznicu na početku ove objave,
Fans of poetry can tonight enjoy this extraordinary event. You are all invited to participate too. If you cannot catch up tonight follow the event through Facebook and apply for the next reading. You may read on all languages, on Croatian too. The length of your reading should be not longer than 4 minutes; your verses should be also read in one of these languages: English, German or French. The moderator of this extraordinary monthly event is Chester Civelli. You can email to Chester mp4s of your readings or you can ask for a link to participate live. So prepare your verses and apply for the reading or just enjoy the readings of the others. So far on these readings we saw some really big names aside the newcomers. See the FB link above for further details.
About the moderator:
Chester Civelli was born and raised in Switzerland. Some of his favorite poets are Alfred de Vigny, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Anne Hébert and Pete Winslow. Although he wrote his first stories when he was about 10, he started really getting into literature around age 18, because of poetry; he actually had a few sentences of a poem that kept coming back to his mind, and when he remembered the title, he realized he had heard it on a poetry tape he used to listen to when he was a child. That made him understand the power of poetry (and literature altogether), so he started writing poetry. Eversince he never stopped.
He spent one year studying comparative literature in Geneva University, but then he shifted way to Social Work, in which he got his BA. But he always kept reading a lot and writing for himself, releasing a self-published poetry book in 2018 and a second one in February 2021.
All the while he has been also practicing music, writing songs and lyrics since he was 12, so he always had a strong link to creative process.
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